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Modern Crossbows; what they are used for

Modern Crossbows – what they are used for

Hunting wild Animals or shooting Targets Crossbow shooting is becoming increasingly popular with the public as a precision sport and as a leisure activity. Many shooting clubs now offer this…
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Modern Crossbows; how they are made

Modern Crossbows – how they are made

The Manufacturers Most crossbow manufacturers are located in the USA. There are some market leading companies who produce in the highest quality segment and also have correspondingly expensive sales prices.…
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Choose the Right Arrows for Bows

Mastering Archery – the Right Arrows

Shooting the right arrows is hugely important when it comes to the trajectory of your shots, especially if you’re shooting arrows over longer distances. Don’t make the simple mistake that…
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Discovering different types of crossbows

Discovering different types of Crossbows

The usage of crossbows is gaining popularity among hunters and target archers. Compared to compound or recurve bows, they are simpler to handle and can shoot bolts with high accuracy…
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Dicover different types of bows

Discovering different types of bows

Archers have carried bows for thousands of years. The traditional bow and arrow can be found on just about every continent in every time period since some of the earliest…
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